Check out your local pharmacy team and what brought us together to serve our community.
Taylor Jones, PharmD
Owner and Pharmacist
Taylor was born and raised in Winston-Salem, but he says he has always had mountain blood, as his ancestors are from the mountains of Wilkes County. During his last year of Pharmacy school with UNC Chapel Hill in 2012, Taylor was placed in western North Carolina for his advanced rotations. During that time he fell in love with the area, as well as his future bride. He and Jonna have lived here since 2014 and are the proud parents of a rescued dog, cat, and chickens! When he is not serving folks at a pharmacy or walking the dog, you will find him playing guitar, Frisbee, or mountain biking.
Professionally, Taylor is passionate about finding a healthy balance of lifestyle, natural supplements, and traditional pharmaceutical treatment options for any symptom or need. He expertly skilled in the science, and art, of compounding medications including bioidentical hormones, low-dose naltrexone, thyroid medications, transdermal pain creams, nasal sprays, and much more. Sharing how custom, made-from-scratch compounded medications can benefit patients is a professionally gratifying opportunity. After all, it was St. Francis of Assisi who wrote, “He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands, head, and heart is an artist.” Ask Taylor how a custom compounded medication may help you!
Jody Embler, CPhT
Senior Certified Pharmacy Technician
Jody has been at HealthRidge for 20 years and specializes in prescription data entry, troubleshooting insurance issues, and medication ordering. Jodi also enjoys playing the keyboard, pool and rootball.
HealthRidge Pharmacy
3130 US 70 HWY Black Mountain NC 28711
Phone: (828) 669-9970 | Fax: (828) 669-9980
If you haven't already, it's not too late
to get your annual vaccines for flu and COVID.
Walk in or schedule your vaccines today!